OGC Web Services in Nova Scotia

Web Map Services, or WMS, are Internet ready maps that you can add to your Desktop GIS, an interactive mapping application, or to any HTML page. WMS is a specification developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The following are a few of the WMS’ available in Nova Scotia. The GetCapabilities links offer metadata about each service and should be opened in your browser (you can also save the resulting file with a .xml extension and open it in a text editor).

Service Name
 Elections Nova Scotia WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Wetlands WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Department of Education WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Topographic Database  link
 Nova Scotia Groundwater WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Surficial Geology WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Coordinate Referencing System WMS  link
 Nova Scotia 1:500,000 Planimetric WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Environment WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Geoscience Maps, Databases and Images WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Significant Habitats WMS  link
 Hurricane Juan - WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Geographic Names WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Ecological Land Classification - WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Civic Address File WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Wind Atlas WMS  link
 Restricted and Limited Use Land WMS  link
 Mineral Resource Land-Use Atlas WMS  link
 Nova Scotia Property Records Database WMS  link

Check out the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia Sponsors map

© Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) - PO Box 961, Halifax, NS, B3J 2V9

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