GANS Private Sector Workgroup

Terms of Reference
Membership: Membership on this working group is open to any GANS member in good standing who is interested in the goals of the Private Sector Workgroup (PSWG), however, it is recognized that the membership will consist mainly of GANS members from the private sector of Nova Scotia.

1.    To increase the capability and capacity of the geomatics private sector in Nova Scotia.

2.    To influence government, academic, and non-government organizations policy
concerning engagement of the geomatics private sector in Nova Scotia.


1.    Scheduled monthly meetings open to GANS members.

2.    Organization of social, educational, and business development events / activities designed to support the development of the geomatics business sector in Nova Scotia.

3.    Development of position papers, policy documents, presentations that are meant to support the geomatics private sector.

4.    Reporting of PSWG activities to the GANS Board.

5.    The PSWG will from time to time be asked to provide a private sector perspective / response to queries or input requests from the GANS Board.

Scope / Jurisdiction:

The purpose of the PSC is to provide a forum where members can meet, discuss, and address topics concerning the geomatics private sector in Nova Scotia.

The PSWG is a working group that sits at the discretion of the GANS Board and therefore it is expected that any significant activity that the PSWG wishes to undertake will be brought to the attention of the Board for consideration and approval. Examples of such activities would include; engagement of provincial and federal governments, publication of position or policy documents, and scheduling of public events.

Guidance from the Board:

The Private Sector Working Group will assist the Board in promoting the Geomatics private sector in Nova Scotia. The committee will be directed by the GANS Board of Directors to explore opportunities to build the private sector in the province, and to influence how the geomatics industry in Nova Scotia will develop into the future.

Resources and Budget:

The PSWG does not have its own independent budget but has the opportunity to solicit the GANS Board for any funding it may need to support its activities.


The PSWG shall be lead by a Chairperson who is elected by the working group’s membership for a one-year term on a simple majority basis. The Private Sector Working Group Chair candidate must be approved by the GANS Board. The terms of reference can be modified by the PSWG but must be approved by the GANS Board. The GANS Board also reserves the right to appoint a PSWG Chair if the situation warrants it.

The Chair of the PSWG shall report directly to the GANS Board either in-person at a Board meeting or through a written report submitted to the Board on activities of the PSWG on a monthly basis.

GANS Sponsors

Platinum Level:

Halifax Water

Silver Level:



Geo Level:


The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia uses a tiered level sponsorship program.

All levels of sponsorship help generate revenue necessary for the Association to operate but provide different benefits back to the company or organization in return for their generous support.

Click here for more details on the different GANS sponsor levels and how you can become a GANS sponsor.

Check out the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia Sponsors map

© Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) - PO Box 961, Halifax, NS, B3J 2V9

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