The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) is a non-profit association created to promote the Geomatics Industry in Nova Scotia, while helping to make it competitive both domestically and internationally, and increasing its contribution to the economy. Geospatial technologies contribute some $21 billion of value to Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (1.1%), and generates over 19,000 jobs. Significant forces like location technology are reshaping the role of geomatics, while opening new possibilities such as complex spatial decision making and analysis across all sectors of the Nova Scotia economy.

The field of Geomatics now spans a wide variety of many distinct disciplines such as GIS, Cartography, Planning, Remote Sensing, LIDAR and Surveying and is used everyday by most industries in Nova Scotia including Forestry, Mining, Tourism, Commerce, Engineering, Municipal Planning, and many more. 

Most Nova Scotians are either involved in or use some aspect of geomatics everyday and do not even know it.

Through a collaboration among a broad membership representing the academia, all levels of Government and private industry GANS provides both professional and social events, networking opportunities, a mentoring program, geospatial job postings and professional development.

Our membership fees are among the lowest in the industry and students can join for free so they can take advantage of networking opportunities to use in establishing their careers. 

Click here to renew or start your GANS membership today!

Nova Scotia Geospatial Data Resources - Browse our list of free geospatial data sets featuring Nova Scotia. Know of any data sets that we should add here? If so let us know ...

GANS Mentorship Program -

We encourage everyone to Follow us on Twitter and to Like our FaceBook Page as  we use these social networks to help spread information throughout the geospatial community, and this works much better when more people get involved. 

If you are not a GANS member but still want to know what is going on in the Nova Scotia geospatial community? Then consider joining our mailing list, we use this list to send out occasional e-mails that announce upcoming events, promotions, geospatial news and other GANS related activities. 

The information you provide is not be used for any purposes other than to communicate with you regarding GANS programs, events and services; and to get a better idea of those involved in the Nova Scotia geomatics sector.

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GANS News & Info

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Geomatics Events

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Job Opportunities

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GANS Sponsors

Platinum Level:

Halifax Water

Gold Level:

Silver Level:



Geo Level:


The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia uses a tiered level sponsorship program.

All levels of sponsorship help generate revenue necessary for the Association to operate but provide different benefits back to the company or organization in return for their generous support.

Click here for more details on the different GANS sponsor levels and how you can become a GANS sponsor.

© Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) - PO Box 961, Halifax, NS, B3J 2V9

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Follow The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) on Twitter Join The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) on Google+ Join The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) on FaceBook Join the The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) LinkedIn group add GANS news to your website via our RSS feed

Website design and management courtesy of Ted MacKinnon, Vicki Gazzola, & Jeff McKenna

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