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20 May 2019 8:57 AM | Anonymous

Thank you for attending the 2019 GANS AGM!

Thank you for attending the 2019 GANS AGM, this years event was well-attended.  A massive thanks for the Halifax Central Library for hosting us! Those who didn’t attend missed out on some great updates and presentations. Here’s a rundown:

Dave MacLean gave a terrific presentation on web maps of photos taken by astronauts while on the International Space Station. Thanks Dave! Hugh MacKay, MLA for Chester-St. Margaret’s, gave a short speech where he provided an update on the very exciting recent announcement for a new Residence and Business Research Centre at NSCC-COGS. To learn more about the announcement, click here.

GANS’ members voted to amend our bylaws to create two new one-year board positions specifically for students in geomatics related fields of study. More details on this to come!

Four new board members were elected in a rather historic GANS’ election. Currently, the GANS board has more female members than it has throughout the history of the organization. This is both a big accomplishment and has been a long time coming. Please welcome:

  • Vicki Gazzola

  • Chris Harlow

  • Leslie MacMillan

  • Murrium Zaheer

Dave MacLean, who has served as secretary for several years, has now stepped into the role of Treasurer. Candace MacDonald was elected as GANS’ President. Ted MacKinnon remains as Past President.

Click here to find out more about the Board of Director’s

We owe a huge thank you to our outgoing board members, who have done so much for GANS and the geomatics sector in both Nova Scotia and Canada more generally:

  • Dennis Kingston

  • Cam Robertson

  • Paul Shaffelburg

Thanks again to all who attended our AGM, and please look forward to our summer 2019 newsletter!


The GANS Board of Directors

Check out the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia Sponsors map

© Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) - PO Box 961, Halifax, NS, B3J 2V9

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Website design and management courtesy of Ted MacKinnon, Vicki Gazzola, & Jeff McKenna

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