Digital Nova Scotia is the industry association for Nova Scotia’s $2.5 billion digital technologies sector and the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia now joins a growing number of digital businesses and stakeholders working together to foster Nova Scotia’s digital economy and increase global connections for global competitiveness.
DNS programs, events, and opportunities will enable us to extend our digital community through skills development, capacity building, industry events, strong partnerships and the promotion of IT opportunities, as it continues to grow, evolve and thrive.
Digital Nova Scotia helps connect industry with talent through an opportunities portal, connecting industry leaders through networking events and round table discussions, and connecting with national organizations to increase the profile of our sector and province.
Like GANS, Digital Nova Scotia is a membership driven organization with members ranging from startups and SME’s to large multinational corporations, universities and colleges, government, and non-profits.
The Best part is that GANS memberships provide members more benefits as Digital Nova Scotia membership benefits will be extended to all active GANS members.
If you are not a GANS member, or not sure what your membership status is?
Then contact us and we can help you become a GANS member so that you too can take advantage of all the DNS benefits.
All members of the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia are welcome to enjoy the benefits of Digital Nova Scotia. Benefits include:
If you have any questions about DNS / GANS partnership or interested in receiving DNS email blasts for upcoming events, then contact us.
In the meantime we encourage everyone to check out the Digital Nova Scotia website and to renew their GANS memberships