Organizations in Nova Scotia Employing GeomaticiansGeomatics is an active sector that employs hundreds of Nova Scotians. Below is a list of companies and organizations in Nova Scotia that are employing geomatics professionals. If you know of any companies or organizations that are missing from the list or see any errors then please let us know. |
GANS Sponsors Esri Canada Halifax Water Province of Nova ScotiaApplied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) CBCL Limited Interpretative Resources Consulting Ltd.Dalhousie University Gateway Geomatics Organizations and Businesses Acadian Seaplants Ltd AG Research Inc. Allnorth Consultants Altus Group Atlantic Air Survey Limited Bell
Canada Cansel Wade CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists CEF Consultants Clearwater
Seafoods Conestoga-Rovers & Associates CGG (COINAtlantic Geocontent Generator) (part of Coastal Research Network) Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq Canadian Seabed Research Ltd. Dillon Consulting Limited Eastcan Geomatics Consultants Eastlink
Communications EIT Group Envirosphere Consultants Limited exp Services IBI Group Fugro GeoSurveys GeoSpatial Strategy Group Inc. Global GIS and Geomatics Solutions Green Power Labs Inc Heritage Gas Halifax
International Airport Authority IBI Group Kenny and King Consulting Landmark Geographic Solutions Lost Art Cartography Maritime Institute for the Renewal of Civil Society (MIRCS Institute) McGregor GeoScience Ltd. Membertou Geomatics Solutions Mercator Geological Services Mi'kma'ki All Points Services Northern Pulp Nova Geomatics NS Power Ocean Tracking Network Port Hawkesbury Paper Rayworth & Roberts Surveys Samson-Kenny I.M. Solutions Seaforth Engineering SEG Sierra Systems Stantec Synova Group Tekmap Consulting Thompson Conn Limited Turner Drake & Partners Ltd. ViewPoint Realty Federal Government Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canadian Hydrographic Service Department
of National Defense DND Hydrographic Services Environment Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada Natural Resources Canada (Earth Science Sector – Geological Survey of Canada) Natural Resources Canada (Earth Science Sector- Survey General Branch) Parks Canada Public Works and Government Services Canada (Geomatics & Spatial Technlogies) Royal Canadian Mounted Police Provincial Government Elections NS NS Department of Agriculture NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture NS Department of Information Services, GeoNOVA Geomatics Centre NS Department of Natural Resources NS Department of Health and Wellness NS Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Property Valuation Services Corporation Municipalities Halifax Regional Municipality Town of Amherst Planning and Development Dept. Town of Annapolis Royal Planning Dept. Town of Antigonish Planning Dept. Town of Bridgewater Planning Dept. Town of Kentville Planning Dept. Town of Lunenburg Planning and Development Dept. Town of New Glasgow Planning Dept. Town of Trenton Planning Dept. Town of Truro Planning Dept. Town of Shelburne Dept. of Community & Econ. Development Town of Westville Planning and Development Dept. Town of Windsor Planing Dept. Town of Wolfville Town of Yarmouth Planning and development Dept. Eastern District Planning Commission East Hants Planning and Development Dept. Municipality. of the County of Annapolis Municipality. of the County of Antigonish Cape Breton Regional Municipality Planning Dept. Mun. of the District of Chester / Town of Mahone Bay Mun. of the County of Colchester Community Development Mun. of Cumberland County Community Development Dept. Municipality of the District of Guysborough Mun. of The County Of Inverness Planning & Development Dept. Municipality of the County of Kings Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Pictou County Planning Commission Region of Queens Municipality Municipality of the District of West Hants Planing Dept. | Bedford Halifax Haifax Middleton Lawrencetown Halifax Amherst Halifax Lunenburg Dartmouth Sydney Dartmouth Halifax Dartmouth Dartmouth Halifax Hammond Plains Halifax Bedford Dartmouth Halifax Truro Porters Lake Halifax Halifax Halifax Timberlea Windsor Halifax Halifax Dartmouth Havre Boucher Halifax Dartmouth Dartmouth Enfield Halifax Halifax Kingston Grand Pre Halifax Bedford Halifax & Membertou Dartmouth Shubenacadie Abercrombie Weymouth Halifax Halifax Point Tupper Amherst Petit de Grat Dartmouth Halifax Halifax Dartmouth Lawrencetown Fall River Halifax Halifax Bedford Kentville Halifax Dartmouth Halifax Halifax Dartmouth Halifax Halifax Amherst Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Amherst Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Amherst Annapolis Royal Antigonish Bridgewater Kentville.NS Lunenburg New Glasgow Trenton Truro Shelburne Westville Windsor Wolfville Yarmouth Port Hawkesbury Elmsdale Annapolis Royal Antigonish Sydney Chester Truro Upper Nappan Guysborough Port Hood Kentville Bridgewater Pictou Liverpool Windsor |
Check out the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia Sponsors map
Website design and management courtesy of Ted MacKinnon, Vicki Gazzola, & Jeff McKenna |